Welcome to the Maine-Endwell Alumni Scholarship Program website.

Whether you are a first time visitor, a donor, potential donor, alumni or current student, we welcome you … and thank you for your interest.



If you are a student visiting our website, it is our desire to instill in you to at least consider public service as your career choice. While some people feel called to careers solely for the money, others are drawn to careers that also allow them to give back to their communities. Public service jobs run a wide spectrum, from teachers and nurses to military personnel and politicians, and include several career paths that you might not have considered. 

If you choose another career path, it is our hope that you will commit to giving back to your community throughout your adult years by volunteering your skill set or by financially supporting those causes within your community that will make it a better place to live for all.


First Time Visitor

If you are a first time visitor, a donor, potential donor or alumni, we hope this website inspires you to give back in the form of a donation to ensure that current M-E students will have the opportunity to apply for scholarship assistance in order to access further instruction and training that will transform their lives.

Students & Alumni

Whether you are a student or alumni, we challenge you to follow the path of what has become the M-E Legacy.


 by Artist Rick Kelley

Tie a Yellow Ribbon

Tie a Yellow Ribbon

The soldier is returning home. As he looks over at the picture drawn by his daughter nailed to a telephone pole with a yellow ribbon tied right below it, she writes "In God We Trust" and "I Love You Dad."



On one side of the main telephone pole, in the mountain, is Mother Teresa, who gave her life to the poorest of the poor. On the other side is Dr. Martin Luther King, who gave his life defending Freedom.

World Peace

World Peace

In the snowiest part of the mountain, to the left, is the Pentagon. World peace is defended there daily. In flight, below the Pentagon is United Flight 93, on the side of the plane, in the immortal words of civilian Todd Beamer it says "Let's Roll".



At the top of the mountain is the American flag again in the mountain and the sky with our nation's symbol, the bald eagle soaring to great heights over all the sacrifices in the name of God, Country and Freedom.

Raising the Flag

Raising the Flag

To the right of the 4th jet are the soldiers raising the flag at Iwo Jima.



One soldier was his buddy wearing the same deployment patch he is.

In Honor Of

In Honor Of

Between the soldier and the town are ghosts of policemen, firemen and soldiers honoring him for fighting for what they gave their lives for.

In Formation

In Formation

As your eye follows the four telephone wires towards the town then beyond, you'll see four snow lines going up into the mountains. At the end of the lines are four F-16 fighters flying in the Missing Soldier Formation.

From Ashes

From Ashes

Between the 3rd and 4th jet is the 3 firemen raising the flag in front of the remnants of the twin towers in Manhattan.

Hidden Words

Hidden Words

The words at the bottom of the painting say, "OUR FREEDOM COMES NOT FROM THE GENEROSITY OF THE STATE, BUT FROM THE HAND OF GOD". The words that followed this statement originally were, "So Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You, But What You Can Do For Your Country."


Public Service

A framed, signed print of HOMECOMING by Artist Rick Kelley was chosen by the M-E Class of 1964 to be a part of the Public Service Legacy Display that is within the Maine-Endwell High School Library. This interactive display is not only a tribute to Charles R. Miller, the first Principal of M-ESHS, for his lifelong public service to his community as well as his country but also serves as recognition and appreciation to ALL M-E students, faculty and staff, future as well as past, who followed the path laid out by Mr. Miller from the very inception of Maine-Endwell Senior High School. Public service is demonstrated in many ways–through career choice, volunteering within one’s community, serving one’s country, or through philanthropy. This emphasis on public service and giving back to one’s community, in any way one can, has become the educational trademark of M-ESHS

The artist has detailed each of the many camouflaged components that you can review by hovering over the various sections of the painting. We urge you to look closely at the subtle detail within this picture, and we trust you will agree that HOMECOMING is the epitome of the artistic definition of public service.

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Please note that the Scholarship Program will incur a 3% transaction fee per PayPal donation.  Please consider adding 3% to your donation to cover this fee.

M-E Alumni – Giving Back…
